Oldham County Emergency Management

What is Emergency Management?
Emergency Management is the discipline that is dedicated to preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters and emergencies. At Oldham County Emergency Management, our goal is to protect our community and assist in recovery efforts by coordinating resources, information, and crisis management tactics.

What We Do
The Kentucky Revised Statutes mandates that the Local Emergency Management Director bring together local, state, and federal agencies and private sector resources needed to prepare fore, mitigate against, respond to, and recover from major emergencies and disasters.

Preparedness: Conducting training programs and public awareness campaigns to our residents to help them prepared for emergencies.
Response: Coordinating with local, state, and federal agencies to provide immediate assistance and resources during emergencies.
Recovery: Assisting in the restoration of services and support systems after an incident.
Mitigation: Implementing strategies to reduce the impact of future disasters.

General Preparedness Tips
1. Stay Informed: Sign up for Smart911 alerts and monitor local media and social media.
2. Plan: Discuss and practice emergency response actions with your family. This plan should include evacuation plans and emergency contact phone numbers.
3. First Aid Kit: Put together an easy-to-find first aid kit with your basic medical supplies.

Weather Alert Radios Save Lives!
Weather radios are important for emergencies and your safety. Weather radios are a reliable source for real-time weather alerts and updates. This could mean life-saving information during severe weather. Weather radios are specifically designed to receive broadcasts from the National Weather Service.

Follow us on Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OldhamKYEmergencyManagement/
Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/OldhamKY_EMA


Weather Alert Radios Can Save Lives!

Do you have a weather alert radio in your home?  If not, you should strongly consider purchasing one...it could save your life!  Weather radios are just as important as smoke detectors and every home should have one!



Follow us on Twitter @OldhamCoKyEMA